Global Man Club - Mastermind & Networking
Friday 8th November

Date: Friday 8th November 2024

Time: 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM (Europe/London Time)

Jack's Mayfair London

Globalmanclub 2024

In-Person Networking Event Friday 8th November (Europe/London)

Jack's Mayfair London

    "If You Want To Empower A Woman, Give Her A Microphone"

    - By Mirela Sula, Founder & CEO Global Woman

    Event Will Start In

      Not a Global Woman member yet? Expect to receive some incredible incentives if you join the Global Woman Club Event!

      Global Man Club - Mastermind & Networking (In-Person)

      Friday - 8th November 2024 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM (Europe/London)
      Jack's Mayfair London

      Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking to expand your network or an aspiring entrepreneur, Global Man Club will support your business growth and provide amazing networking opportunities with like-minded business owners and investors.

      Join us if you want to build relationships, make valuable connections and learn from inspiring guest speakers how to overcome challenges, navigate through uncharted territories and build thriving enterprises from the ground up.

      Book Your Ticket Here


      Kickstart Your Morning With An Invigorating And Supportive Roundtable Exclusive To 10 MEN ONLY.

      This event is a chance for personal growth and business development.

      Each participant will have 30 seconds for a self-introduction, followed by an open discussion where you're encouraged to bring a problem or challenge, you're facing.

      This is more than networking; it's about contributing to and supporting each other in our business endeavors.

      This event is a chance for personal growth and business development.

      Book your place NOW

      How do you show up in life?

      • If you are simply looking to survive then this is not the club for you.If you are pushing for success then we would like to challenge you. Challenge you to look at what that means for you. Is it simply success in business or do you want to succeed in all areas of your life; not just business and perhaps wealth but in your relationships, your health and, most importantly, yourself.
      • You may have a successful business or on the way to that, you may be accumulating wealth and be on a path to financial independence. That’s great and we support that but is that enough? We will also support you in getting underneath all that and finding what truly drives you and building a life filled with great relationships, energy and in which you will be thriving.

      The Fastest Growing Network for Women Globally

      Build Your Community - Learn Online - Grow Your Business

      Join the Lobby now

      As Johann Hari would say...

      "Men's groups provide the social medicine men need because all they need is connection." “The opposite of addiction is not sobriety; the opposite of addiction is connection."

      You are trying hard! You studied hard, got a degree, found a job, built a family, bought your dream house and non stop working to provide and validate your worth, as a hero for your wife and your children. I know sometimes you may have a feeling you may lose it all one day. And that feeling is becoming a virus inside you.

      Join us for powerful connections with men who are driven to succeed, to succeed in all areas of life and reach our maximum potential. An environment where men support each other to identify and embrace their challenges and overcome them across business, relationships and life in general.

      Join us for masterclasses covering business, investment and wealth creation, relationships, health, mindset and life skills.

      Join us for partnership with Global Woman Club and cross over to support women looking for a fabulous life and to benefit from their energy and insights.

      Book your place NOW

      With our club you will find...

      Powerful connections with high net worth individuals who are consciously driven for a big meaning in life.

      Learn about Business, Investment and life skills.

      Access to the Global Woman Club - Conscious driven women toward business and contribution.

      Access to the international events we do around the world in more than 20 countries.

      Access to more than 5 magazine and media opportunities

      Access to public speaking and raise your global brand access to powerful connections for Global Business

      Book My Ticket Now

      Our Story

      In the last 10 years we have been on a journey with Global Woman Club creating a community of empowered women around the world. At the beginning we started with the intention to provide a safe space mainly for women, but soon after we realised that men showed interest in joining us. When we launched the Global Woman magazine, we thought only women would appear in the front cover, but men started inquiring how to be part of this media platform. That's why one year later we launched Global Man Magazine. As we kept growing the club in different countries of the world, in each club we would see men signing up and joining us. But obviously the attention would go mainly to women, and somehow they would feel they were invading the “women’s safe space” and some of them would say “I feel like a fish without water”.

      Why a Men's Club is important?

      • For decades and centuries we have been separated on many levels. Men’s duty was to get out of the house, go hunting and provide for the family. The Woman's duty was to stay home and make sure she takes care of the kids and manages the house. Men would take the decisions and would have the power, women had no rights to contest the men’s actions. In the last few decades the whole paradigm has shifted. Women now have a voice.
      • They can get out of the house and follow their own dreams. They are empowering themselves. But many men are not prepared who to be and how to create a healthy response towards this new era of female enlightenment. As women are searching for their light to connect with their higher purpose and invest in their personal development, growing their feminine energy but working on their masculine energy as well, men sometimes are feeling lost.
      Book your place NOW

      This club will offer emotional support and practical advice about a challenge, concern, or may be facing. These events will help men to gain more insight into their lives as bachelors, husbands, and fathers. We will meet to learn how to better themselves in life as individuals. We will cover all aspects that touch on a man’s life: such as personal growth, spiritual, marital or mental health related. This is done by awareness creation, educating, volunteering, and advocacy.

      You may have “The nice guy syndrome” or feeling under the pressure to meet the standards of the new world. There are new social skills that we need to learn every day. We help you on this journey, to overcome issues like low career stagnation, self-esteem, shyness, loneliness, and anger, which may back you from living the life you deserve.

      This club will always celebrate diversity and give the members different views on different issues, providing a platform to learn the best ways to approach issues they are facing. We want to create a platform where men have a better chance of overcoming the issues they face without sinking into depression or self-harm.

      Book your place NOW

      • We also want to upgrade your life to the level where you feel you belong, you feel inspired to contribute, be a great role model for your family and friends and co-create with others (including women) for a better world. A new version of the world where men and women show up in the best version of themselves tapping into both feminine and masculine energy as a perfect universal balance.
      Book your place NOW

      Don’t wait for that moment. You can turn everything around.

      Come and join Global Man Club to explore who you really are, beyond your job, beyond your commitment as a provider, beyond the worry to make more money, and build more muscles, beyond the fear trying to fill an emotional hole with “dangerous” choices such as drink, drugs, porn or unhealthy relationships as a way of coping.

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